recycle this | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, February 27, 2009

recycle this

Posted on Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 2:48 PM

to the people living above me not willing to do thier part. its not law to compost or recycle but you dont have to stuff "my!!!!!" green bin with your take out wrappers tim hortons cups diapers and actual garbage bags. you have it so full of garbage it is spread all over the whole yard. and the garbage you throw on the yard gets eaten by animals who then die in the yard for my dog to get into and get sick, it wouldnt be the ghetto if people like you took some pride in thier homes and stopped spaying the SHARED yard with your disguting crap. you should be blacklisted by landlords ya pigs

---likes a clean yard

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