You don't like my shoes? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, February 23, 2009

You don't like my shoes?

Posted on Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 5:50 PM

To the bouncers at the cabaret! Not only are you ignorant, rude, but also you need to learn proper English. What was once my favourite bar in the city, has now turned into an ignorant, arrogant piece of shit bar. I waited in line for 35 minutes, in the freezing cold, only to hear that the bouncer didn’t think that my dress shoes met the club’s dress code. I was told, if I were to change my shoes I would be allowed to enter the grand premises. Upon my return to the club, wearing sneakers, I was laughed at and told “to get the fuck out of my face bud” by the bonehead bouncer’s. This was demoralizing, and for the future, you can kiss my 6 years of loyal business good bye.

---Sincerely, not your PAL!!!

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