Mobile speed bumb rotary inbound. | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mobile speed bumb rotary inbound.

Posted on Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 6:53 AM

Excuse me Sir. I understand you are concerned with motorists who drive way to fast through your neighbourhood. However; the speed limit is 80 kilometres and hour, not 40. You are entitled to drive the speed limit to prevent speeding. Driving to slow (half of limit) is also illegal. It is especially aggravating during rush hour. I was 15 minutes late for work, missed my coffee and in a bad mood because you feel the need to not only police other motorists, but also the need to change speed limits. I got your license plate number. I will report this the next time I see it. I obey the laws, I drive the speed limit. You purposely driving half the speed limit; and then flaunting you intentions on an obnoxious bumper sticker is abusive. Consider how you now differ from a speeder who has no regard for anyone’s safety? When most drivers did manage to pass you they had to step on it to make up the time. Take your road rage elsewhere and leave us motorists alone. Remember driving is a privilege not a right.

---self righteous bumper sticker

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