Psycho Drivers in Halifax | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Psycho Drivers in Halifax

Posted on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:12 PM

Dear Assholes who drive down Robie St as if it was a Nascar track,

There are people who actually (gasp!) live on Robie between Cunard St. and Quinpool. Just because the lanes get wider between these streets DOES not give you the license to drive like a maniac. Some people actually still walk in this city and its a pain in the ass when we 'almost' get run over on a daily basis due to you having zero respect for pedestrians. And don't give dirty looks to us who need to cross the street at designated crosswalks--I know it will put a three second delay in your day but seriously? Have some respect dudes.

---Signed, Almost Roadkill.

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