Fucking fed up | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fucking fed up

Posted By on Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 1:29 PM

So I'm fat. No getting around that. And for the for the past fucking month and a half I've been TRYING to lose weight. I exercise almost every day, I started eating 1500 calories a day which was half of what I was eating and no weight loss. I went up to 1700 figuring 1500 was too low and nothing. So I eventually went down to 1400 then 1300 and now I'm at 1200 and I've actually fucking gained weight at all calorie levels. I GAINED WEIGHT ON A 1200 CALORIE DIET. When I ate shit like donair, doritos, pizza (your basic crappy diet) I stayed the same, if not lost weight.

I had my thyroid checked, and it's normal.

I'm hungry (I live off of salads and major portion controlled foods and nothing is more appetizing than the tablespoon of food you get in a lean cuisine) and cranky and tired all the time and to top it all off my pants won't fit. And when I walk down the street I know at least half of the people who see me say "god, why doesn't she stop stuffing her face and lose some weight already" FUCK I'M TRYING OK?

At this point I'm pretty close to ordering an XL donair with extra cheese and washing down some doritos with a 2L of pepsi. I'd probably lose weight then. FUCK SAKES.

Fatty McFatFat

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