Sit down | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sit down

Posted By on Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 5:49 AM

To the crazy old man who rides the 20 Downtown every morning. Why, oh why, in your senile confusion MUST you insist on getting on the bus before everyone else? I mean, you know what, thats not a problem! You have the right to get on the bus before everyone! its all gravy! whats NOT gravy is the fact you don't sit down, you fucking STAND right at the front of the bus so EVERYONE else who gets on the bus have to push past you to get to the god damn seats near the back! I'm sorry the province took away your drivers license, but please, be courteous! Please either sit the fuck down or let others get on before you so they can get to the back, you make a lousy door. This doesn't stop at this guy either, if there are seats, sit down people. Please.

Hate Mornings

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