It is fucking cold out here where do the poor people go | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, January 5, 2009

It is fucking cold out here where do the poor people go

Do you think you would exist and our country would exist without the fur trade and without our aboriginals and the unfair trade practices of our white forbereres. The honour of existase in our CANADIAN climate is do to our aboriginals our overtaking

Posted on Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:05 AM

Published January 02, 2009.It is fucking cold out here where do the poor people go

Do you think you would exist and our country would exist without the fur trade and without our aboriginals and the unfair trade practices of our white forbereres. The honour of existase in our CANADIAN climate is do to our aboriginals our overtaking of our climate. So if you are pissed off that it apeares exclusiv0e to wear fur well go give them to the poor ; they are readily available at SALLY ANNS and would keep many poor warm, like me. Wear your GORFLEX come from ?????? Made of what? at what expensnse to the oil countries and their workers,in you name it country: OH and also check you Nikes and put your car away; instead of a womb I am sorry my forberes, as yours would be dead without fur. and our animal friends Let's do it humanely. If I am gong to be killed on an ice flow; hit my skull with a club and a spike in it, sounds pretty humane to me. Do you know that the Inuit set their old afloat on ice breges to die. Start looking at where your clothes come from and start

assesing the effect on your GREEN footprint. I think GREEN is the stupidist word I have ever heard to describe anything other than the colour, Maybe brown like shit witch is being excreated throughout the world be a better natuaral term

as a natuarl process, maybe some of it is diararh from dying children, turn in your hybrid for clean water. Let us save the children OF TODAY!!!!!!!and needy of today !!!!!!!!before we save the planet.




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