Bike lanes are for Bikes, not cars | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bike lanes are for Bikes, not cars

Driving along the bedford highway into town this morning, I don't remember how many cars drove for a quarter of a km (or longer!)in the BIKE Lane to get around the traffic. Now if the Bedford highway needs another lane, it needs another lane. But you do

Posted on Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 8:24 AM

Driving along the bedford highway into town this morning, I don't remember how many cars drove for a quarter of a km (or longer!)in the BIKE Lane to get around the traffic. Now if the Bedford highway needs another lane, it needs another lane. But you do NOT get to drive in the Bike lanes making a second lane.Someone is going to get hurt. Bike lanes are put in place for a reason. If you all are in that much of a hurry to get to work in the morning, maybe you should try leaving a little sooner!!! It's bad enough most of us are driving around oblivious to the harm we're doing to our planet. The least you could do is let the people trying to save our planet, have a safe place to ride or walk. And if you fuckers would try maybe carpooling or something, the traffic would ease up.

concerned carpooler

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