Metro Transit Stroller Brigade | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Metro Transit Stroller Brigade

If I have to attempt to climb aboard a bus again, to go to work, and can't get past the driver because there are THREE large strollers in the way, I'm going to start biffing little kids out the doorway. Get a small, umbrella stroller, strap your baby to

Posted on Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:44 AM

If I have to attempt to climb aboard a bus again, to go to work, and can't get past the driver because there are THREE large strollers in the way, I'm going to start biffing little kids out the doorway. Get a small, umbrella stroller, strap your baby to your chest, or make your lazy brat walk, so that people can get on the bus safely.

And drivers (some, not all), GROW A PAIR. Tell them to move it!

Not Yo Baby's Mama

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