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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Retail Complaint

I just needed some room to vent a little about today. It was It was very busy. I had an older man (around 60) curse me out, and yell at me about how he was going to take his business elsewhere because I wasn't helping him.I was at the cash register, r

Posted on Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 7:13 AM

I just needed some room to vent a little about today. It was It was very busy. I had an older man (around 60) curse me out, and yell at me about how he was going to take his business elsewhere because I wasn't helping him.

I was at the cash register, ringing through a customer, he was at the side at the about ten feet away from the end of the counter. There was a lady who was in line and there before he was. I told him that I would check the price for him, once I was finished dealing with the lady who was ahead of him. So yeah he just curses me out (don't you wish sometimes you could just curse someone right back out...I really wanted to). I don't know, if there is a line-up of people, and you are not in line, or even by the cash counter, how do I know that you need help? If I went away from the line and helped you, a person who wasn't in line, I would have about ten people complaining to management about me.

Next thing, we get to take a 30 minute break within a 6+ hr shift. I heard about some of the good deals downstairs in the shoe department. So I take off my name take and all that, put on my large red outside coat (our uniforms are all black) and go to the the shoe department. I am looking around at the shoes and about to try on a pair, when I feel these eyes burning through me. I look and about 8 or 9 feet away is this lady staring at me.

She finally says "Do you work here?" (said in a snarky way)

Me: "Yes, but I am on break."

She: huffs and huffs.

Me: Besides I don't even work in this department of the store and its my lunch hour.

She: well don't you know anyone that can help me.

Me: I don't know, how about trying by the cash register, over there with the shoe salesman( about twenty feet away from her).

When you work in retail do you have an air about you that you must work here. Seriously, I just wanted to spend my break in a little bit of peace, it was a very busy day. I took the time to remove anything resembling the uniform, and I put on a bright red coat...our uniforms are all black. I don't care if I was saucy. I don't get paid for my breaks, so it is therefore my time. You can huff all you want, when I am obviously not working, as I am not in uniform, is it really that much effort to walk another ten feet to the person wearing a uniform.

I probably should have said I didn't work there, but my brain was dead by that time, I was tired, after coming to work for a full shift after a 3 hr class. And really, if I saw my doctor in the mall, I wouldn't ask her to check on a rash for me. I'd say hi and that would be about it.

Anyways, its only a minor suck, the whole day just bothered me. It was very busy and no matter how nice I was, people kept getting saucy with me.

I had one woman argue with me about an $11 stocking that she decided should be marked down because it was the only one left. I called the manager even to ask him about it, there was nothing that I could do. Just why do people have to get so snarky. The price was on the item, there were no sales signs around it, so therefore the price is what is on the stocking, I can't magically change things.

Grr, working in a higher end retail store, I should get paid more to deal with idiots.

I cannot wait to get my degree so I can at least get more than minimum wage.

Shoppers are stupid

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