Rude Stuck-up Bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rude Stuck-up Bitch

To my former friend whom I'd TRIED to get back in touch with on Facebook:Hey, remember me? We used to be friends a couple of years ago, we lost touch (but not on bad terms), but then I found you on Facebook and added you. You confirmed me immediately.

Posted on Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:19 PM

To my former friend whom I'd TRIED to get back in touch with on Facebook:

Hey, remember me? We used to be friends a couple of years ago, we lost touch (but not on bad terms), but then I found you on Facebook and added you. You confirmed me immediately.

But, when I write to you 'What's up? It's been a while, what have you been up to?' blah blah blah, over a week went by and no reply from you. Okay, fine, I just assumed you hadn't been on Facebook since. Then what do you know, I see several 'stories' of you, groups you've just joined, comments on photos from you, status updates, etc in the newsfeed, proof that You went online again, but you still didn't write back!

Then a month and a half goes by, during that time you were online dozens of times, but no message back to me!

I still (because I'm a naive moron) gave you the benefit of the doubt. 'Maybe she just feels awkward talking to a friend she hadn't seen for a few years', I thought. BUT THEN, I visit another facebook friend's wall and see that you wrote to her 'OMG, it's been such a long time! I'm doing great, have a beautiful baby boy and a wonderful hubby now. How have you been?' Um...You weren't any closer to her than you were to me!

I wrote to you again, even after all that, asked you how your child was doing and what his name was. What did you do? YOU FUCKING DELETED ME!!! What the fuck! I haven't been so insulted or snubbed like that in my entire life! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ANYWAY, YOU FUCKING BITCH! Why would you confirm me as a friend, if you were just going to delete me if (gasp!) actually wrote to you?????

Fuck you, I hope your 'hubby' has many extramarital affairs! You better hope you never run into me in-person again because I'll make you want to kill yourself!

Not adding any more old friends on Facebook

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