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Tuesday, September 2, 2008


To a former Boss: You shit-bag! I cannot believe the way you treat your employees like they are orc peons! You wonder why people come and go from this fucking job. Believe me, my pay check isn't worth putting up with your "my shit don't stink" attitude.

Posted on Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:19 PM

To a former Boss: You shit-bag! I cannot believe the way you treat your employees like they are orc peons! You wonder why people come and go from this fucking job. Believe me, my pay check isn't worth putting up with your "my shit don't stink" attitude.

A little bit of curtosy and respect for those who work hard and bend over backwards for you goes a long way.

My notice is in TODAY! And fuck with giving you two weeks.

I should have quit when you called me a N*ggar and a black retard!

I'm taking you straight to the labour board!

PS: All because I spilled some chicken on the floor. Sorry you lost a buck worth of chicken. It's not anything to call me a N*ggar so loud all of scotia square heard you.

Did you know how many black customers you just offended by that? Fuck you too and fuck this job. This is one hard working black man you will not degrate any longer.

Fuck you!

The Quitter!

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