greedy landlords | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

greedy landlords

and while i'm at it (bitching that is, oh the joy), what's with all the GREEDY landlords and management companies gouging tenants in this city?? halifax isn't even in the same league as world-class cities like toronto or vancouver, at least in terms of

Posted on Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 4:02 PM

and while i'm at it (bitching that is, oh the joy), what's with all the GREEDY landlords and management companies gouging tenants in this city?? halifax isn't even in the same league as world-class cities like toronto or vancouver, at least in terms of work, wages, public transit, amenities and so on... yet, the cost of living here, particularly renting a shithole apartment, is only moderately less. for example, a chintzy south-end bachelor for $685! are these greedy bastards out of their minds?!

hey landlords... show some decency and get a conscience for fucksake! basically, you're STEALING from people.

oh yeah, Paramount Management, aka The Lawen's, you mofos are pure fucking evil.

bite me

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