Fuck you Paddy Brogan | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Fuck you Paddy Brogan

I just got finished reading the Chronicle Herald's story on Paddy Brogan in Sydney. This fucking monster was just set free from any responsibility for the death of a little boy when he was admittedly impaired while driving. How the fuck is this possible?

Posted on Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 7:26 AM

I just got finished reading the Chronicle Herald's story on Paddy Brogan in Sydney. This fucking monster was just set free from any responsibility for the death of a little boy when he was admittedly impaired while driving. How the fuck is this possible? Judge Anne Derrick came to the conclusion that no person, sober or impaired, could've avoided this tragic accident. BULLSHIT! Brogan should have never been on the road if he was fucking drunk, thus making it impossible for him to kill anyone. Our legal system in Canada is a fucking joke. I hope you sleep well tonight Paddy you murdering fucking monster, knowing that you put a little boy in his grave. My wish for you is that you are overcome with grief and jump from a very tall building and about halfway down you catch your fucking eyelid on a tack.

Shame on you Anne Derrick, hopefully your legal peers will see fit to have you investigated and have all your Law credentials suspended indefinately to review whether or not you are competant for the position you are in.

This little boys blood will forever stain both of you and I hope that he is all you see when you close your eyes.

He was fucking DRUNK, he should've never been there.

To the Penney family: Everybody in their right mind knows that this is an outrage and trust me people, if we don't call our legal system on this error our kids could be next.


Pissed Off In Enfield!

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