that's my desk! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, July 18, 2008

that's my desk!

listen up upper management: there's a simple math equation you may have missed. more people require more space. not the same amount of space! yes, you've hired new people as we've grown adn that's wonderful- but where did you think we were going to put t

Posted on Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 11:36 PM

listen up upper management: there's a simple math equation you may have missed. more people require more space. not the same amount of space! yes, you've hired new people as we've grown adn that's wonderful- but where did you think we were going to put them? I did NOT sign on to share a desk here! particularly not when it's a case of I turn up at work and low and behold my desk has been taken stuff shoved to the side, my papers rearranged, my phone gathering messages I can't check because soemone else is having a meeting in MY space. and instead of shuffling off upon my entry to the office, I'm told to gather my things like an office nomad and wander to find my own space!

no. this is not how this goes. this is MY desk, my stuff, I'm more productive when I don't ahve to constantly rearrange myself becuase someone else messed up my system.

and by the way, stop stealing my pens!

office nomad

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