Beach Fuks | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Beach Fuks

To the guys in the piece of shit red car today at Rainbow Haven Beach, who asked me so nicely "What the fuck am I looking at?"...well I was looking at a bunch of losers in a red car, that's what I was looking at. Is your dick that small that you have to

Posted on Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:50 AM

To the guys in the piece of shit red car today at Rainbow Haven Beach, who asked me so nicely "What the fuck am I looking at?"...well I was looking at a bunch of losers in a red car, that's what I was looking at. Is your dick that small that you have to start shit with random people? Are the roids too much for you? Were you the cool guys in high school that everyone hates now, going nowhere in life and are a total wash up? You're too busy trying so hard that you don't realize what you look and act like...Lay off the juice boys.


Have a nice day.

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