Dear Asshole Tailgaters | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Dear Asshole Tailgaters

Listen up, asspipes. If I am going the speed limit, it does not entitle you to drive right up my ass. I am not going to speed up because you're so fucking impatient. Suck it up, you bastards. I am not going to break the law so you can get somewhere 3

Posted on Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:00 AM

Listen up, asspipes. If I am going the speed limit, it does not entitle you to drive right up my ass. I am not going to speed up because you're so fucking impatient. Suck it up, you bastards. I am not going to break the law so you can get somewhere 3 seconds faster. I hate you bumper sucking fuckers and my cruise control will act accordingly.

This Middle Finger Is For You

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