Mysteriously Absent | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Mysteriously Absent

To a certain free publication: Its not bad enough that you are putting out a poorly proof-read, badly written and terribly crappy free publication. Its not bad enough that outside my office, the only other competition to you has taken their machine away

Posted on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 12:51 PM

To a certain free publication: Its not bad enough that you are putting out a poorly proof-read, badly written and terribly crappy free publication. Its not bad enough that outside my office, the only other competition to you has taken their machine away since you are obviously cheaper.

But the final straw is this : Now you cant even bother to make your miserably paid (are they paid?) delivery people get their routes done on time. Allow me to explain. Forced to read this swill they call a newspaper, i USED to grab one at 630 am every morning on my way into work. for the last 8 (yes 8!) business days, your dispenser has been empty. you now seem content to deliver to my office at about 830, well into my workday, and well before any break i get.

So now, thanks to you, I have nothing.

You suck


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