Historical Eyesore On Ochterloney St. | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Historical Eyesore On Ochterloney St.

Okay, WHY in the name of God, is Greenvale School STILL standing?! For Cryin' out loud, the place is in such total disrepair,plus the fact that it's taking up valuable space where other more FUNCTIONAL buildings could be...such as new condos! God

Posted on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 1:18 PM

Okay, WHY in the name of God, is Greenvale School STILL standing?!

For Cryin' out loud, the place is in such total disrepair,

plus the fact that it's taking up valuable space where other more FUNCTIONAL buildings could be...such as new condos!

God Almighty, if my bank wasn't on that street, or one of the buses I ride on, didn't go up past that friggin' dump, I wouildn't have to worry about looking at it! It makes me want to hurl my lunch!!

If a house was falling into that kind of disrepair, or if it was a drug den, it wouldn't be allowed to stand the way it is!

If finances could allow for renovations,it could be done.

Maybe.Maybe not. Why keep a REALLY old school standing, if no purpose is intended for it anymore?

I'm only going to say this once more, and ONCE only...

Demolish it with a wrecking ball and bulldozer, or burn it down! There's no hope for it!!

Dusty H.

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