red car bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, May 30, 2008

red car bitch

fred are you the type that pulls around a stopped car you only know that the person was backing up how in the hell would you ever know that there wasnt someone hit on the street in front of the stopped car wait now i know because you as well as the lady

Posted on Fri, May 30, 2008 at 5:22 AM

fred are you the type that pulls around a stopped car you only know that the person was backing up how in the hell would you ever know that there wasnt someone hit on the street in front of the stopped car wait now i know because you as well as the lady that went around me went to the same driving school its called common sense a car stops for a reason please let everyone know when you jump in your vehicle so they can stay home your as bad as she is

trying to be a decent man

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