Dear Metro transit..... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Dear Metro transit.....

you could help improve your service with two simple additions....1) you have these new fancy money taking devices that many other cities have. It is amazing that people can still toss in a handful a coins and claim it is $2 since you haven't actually u

Posted on Mon, May 5, 2008 at 7:02 PM

you could help improve your service with two simple additions....

1) you have these new fancy money taking devices that many other cities have. It is amazing that people can still toss in a handful a coins and claim it is $2 since you haven't actually utilized the machines. They actually count the money in other cities. A beep signifies that someone has put in the correct change. Surely you know you are short changed about 1/3 of the time.

2) change your transfer set up to make taking buses more attractive. Many cities have altered the way they use transfers and do not care if you are going back return on the same bus or not. They stipulate you have 90 minutes to use that transer. As it stands how, paying four bucks really isnt enticing people to want to go to the mall.

Please make better use of our tax dollars.

Bus rider for life.

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