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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Excuse you.

I don't have a problem with my co-workers speaking in different languages around me. It's rude, yes. But i really don't want any part of your conversation, so i'm glad to remain clueless as to what you're conversing about. What i do have a problem with,

Posted on Thu, May 1, 2008 at 9:52 AM

I don't have a problem with my co-workers speaking in different languages around me. It's rude, yes. But i really don't want any part of your conversation, so i'm glad to remain clueless as to what you're conversing about. What i do have a problem with, is the fact that you damn near scream your conversations at each other, while you stand a foot apart. Yes, i can tell that Arabic is a very passionate language, but do you really HAVE to make everyone else's ears ring when you speak it? I was on the phone with a client this morning and you two ignorant fucks boomed over my own voice, forcing me to appologize and say i'd have to call him back. Talk about whatever you want, as loud as you want in your own time, but while you're at work tone it down a little. The rest of us can't even hear ourselves think.

Earplugs please

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