Bobby Who? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bobby Who?

Why is it that people can go to the moon, but nobody can come up with a better model for the standard bobby-pin? The plastic on the ends fall off after a few uses, and then I'm left with a goddamned sharp metal tip that feels like knives being jabbed

Posted on Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 8:31 AM

Why is it that people can go to the moon, but nobody can come up with a better model for the standard bobby-pin?

The plastic on the ends fall off after a few uses, and then I'm left with a goddamned sharp metal tip that feels like knives being jabbed into my skull.

If I wanted to secure my long hair with weapons, I'd use a motherfucking syringe or a cocksucking bayonet, but as it happens, I don't want anything of the sort in my hair.

I would cry about it if I wasn't so cold-hearted, but in all honesty, the bobby-pins have made me cry with their cruel metal. Metaltards!

I fuckin' hate those metaltards.

And who the hell is "Bobby" anyway? Probably a masochist.

Mary Christmas

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