dangerous game | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

dangerous game

about a week ago, when coming home after a dinner party, i got out of my cab to find a strange orange glow coming from my apartment entrance. it was FIRE. some asshole opened my front door and thew fireworks in and caused a fire. No one heard it or smelt

Posted on Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:18 PM

about a week ago, when coming home after a dinner party, i got out of my cab to find a strange orange glow coming from my apartment entrance. it was FIRE. some asshole opened my front door and thew fireworks in and caused a fire. No one heard it or smelt it, and if i hadnt arrived home when i did, i (and 10 others) would have had our house burnt down, plus the people who were inside could have died. this was not funny, and IT WAS DANGEROUS. be happy, for your sake, it was discovered, because i doubt you wouldn't like to have murder and arson added to your stupid prank.

lucky timing

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