You Forgot Your Lunch!! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, February 29, 2008

You Forgot Your Lunch!!

To the drunk idiots who sat behind me on the bus the other night, more specifically the girl who let her lunch go on the seat behind me: Next time, STAY THE FUCK HOME! The last thing I want to do after a long day at work is listen to some drunk girl scre

Posted on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:34 AM

To the drunk idiots who sat behind me on the bus the other night, more specifically the girl who let her lunch go on the seat behind me: Next time, STAY THE FUCK HOME! The last thing I want to do after a long day at work is listen to some drunk girl screaming at her boyfriend. No wonder he told you to shut the fuck up! I was about to do the same until the gentleman up front reminded you that you were not the only two people on the bus. Like many people I don't have much of a choice in my mode of transportation and I like to make the best of it...let me tell you, it's really hard to do that when someone is spewing all over the back of your seat. I think I speak for the busdriver and every passenger when I say stay the fuck home if you're going to drink so much that you can't even walk or notice that your little quarrel is pissing people off...I don't think that you realized when you decided to take the bus, that the busdriver doesn't want to be cleaning up your vomit sure as hell don't want to be sitting in it!

I hope you got picked up by the cops and thrown in the drunk tank... if not I'll take comfort in the fact that the next morning karma would find you

A pissed off passenger

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