Your Dirty Ass (literally) | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Your Dirty Ass (literally)

This is to all you students at the Waterfront NSCC, and to all you dirty motherfuckers everywhere, (if you've done it, I'm talking directly to you), that can't seem to get their head around flushing a fucking toilet after taking a ridiculously disgusting

Posted on Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 12:35 PM

This is to all you students at the Waterfront NSCC, and to all you dirty motherfuckers everywhere, (if you've done it, I'm talking directly to you), that can't seem to get their head around flushing a fucking toilet after taking a ridiculously disgusting shit in a public restroom. Using public washrooms is sketchy enough, and the last thing I want to see when entering a stall is your shit streaks and congealed logs in urine colored water. Seriously people, how fucking hard is it to flush? ESPECIALLY after a shit. And you know people like that aren't washing their hands (gag). It just comes down to common sense and respect. You think your Mom wouldn't yell at you if you did that at home? I don't think so, you dirty, dirty bastards.

Taking Objection In Ludicrous Excrement Today

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