Youth Live Suck my a@# | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Youth Live Suck my a@#

What? Do you expect to be in the executive board room eating lunch with the President of the Royal Bank? What the hell do you expect? I've had crappy, dangerous jobs for years but I worked hard and now I work in an office and dont have to work for chumps

Posted on Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 3:30 PM

What? Do you expect to be in the executive board room eating lunch with the President of the Royal Bank? What the hell do you expect? I've had crappy, dangerous jobs for years but I worked hard and now I work in an office and dont have to work for chumps and get paid crap. Whats with the sense of entitlement? At the very least Youth Live teaches people to arrive at work on time with the right equipment, having slept the night before, work with others, communicate etc. Your email is articulate and you sound intelligent so here is my advice: it WILL get better for you. Work hard, keep your ears open and your mouth shut and in a few years you'll look back and think, 'things have gotten better for me' - if it can work for me it can work for you.

Suck it up Buttercup!

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