F*ck the Squeegee Adults | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, January 25, 2008

F*ck the Squeegee Adults

Sadly, I make the same a month as these Squeegee Adults - but I don't annoy people for a living and I am not on Welfare. I pay taxes and I also choose to live in Dartmouth where you can get rent for half what Danielle Talbot is paying. Hell, I could live

Posted on Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 12:07 PM

Sadly, I make the same a month as these Squeegee Adults - but I don't annoy people for a living and I am not on Welfare. I pay taxes and I also choose to live in Dartmouth where you can get rent for half what Danielle Talbot is paying. Hell, I could live in Hali too, but I can't AFFORD it. Lots of places to live cheap in D-town, all you gotta do is read the classifieds.

I feel bad for squeegee kids, but not when they are Squeegee Adults. They are annoying.

And I hate seeing them with their dogs. It pisses me off that their dog is out there in the pollution, freezing. Can the cops not do something about that? These squeegee adults have freedom of choice. There dog does not. Where is the SPCA is all of this?

Danielle Talbot - fyi ....you should not go to Dalhousie. They have the highest tuition in the country. They don't accept poor people. But they would probably buy your dog. I hear the cardiology dept needs more dogs this year to dissect......

F*ck the Squeegee Adults

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