Wake Up, Q104 | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wake Up, Q104

I love Q in the morning - only one segment ruins what is otherwise a pretty good show and that is 'David Letterman's Top 10'. This gaped toothed geezer is just not fucking funny. The fact he gets paid millions gauls me to no end - all that money and yet

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 3:14 PM

Published February 08, 2007.Wake Up, Q104

I love Q in the morning - only one segment ruins what is otherwise a pretty good show and that is 'David Letterman's Top 10'. This gaped toothed geezer is just not fucking funny. The fact he gets paid millions gauls me to no end - all that money and yet his writers churn out nothing but the lamest shit imaginable. Why not broadcast stand-up clips from some decent comedians like George Carlin and Steven Wright? Jesus, dead air would be funnier than Letterman.

Loves the Q, Hates Letterman

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