Just Quit Already | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just Quit Already

I'm sick of hearing smokers say they are going to quit and then go and light up. Just quit. I work with someone who says he wants to quit everyday and when I tell him to just quit he says "it's hard". It's not hard it's just takes willpower which apparen

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 2:19 PM

I'm sick of hearing smokers say they are going to quit and then go and light up. Just quit. I work with someone who says he wants to quit everyday and when I tell him to just quit he says "it's hard". It's not hard it's just takes willpower which apparently all you wishful quitters are lacking. I smoked almost a pack a day. One day I just decided to quit so I did. I haven't smoked since. It wasn't easy it just took willpower. So to all you smokers who whine about quitting. Just shut up and quit.

I did it so can you.

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