Fucking Ridiculous | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fucking Ridiculous

After seeing a specialist at the QEII yesterday, I was appalled by the droves of students from Citadel Hill descending upon the Summer Savoury cafeteria just before noon. The cocky little bastards even have their own cashier as was pointed out to me by

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 2:04 PM

After seeing a specialist at the QEII yesterday, I was appalled by the droves of students from Citadel Hill descending upon the Summer Savoury cafeteria just before noon. The cocky little bastards even have their own cashier as was pointed out to me by one surly punk. What the fuck is wrong with their school cafeteria and why should the rest of us have to suffer those little snots? And why is the QEII allowing this invasion as to make the public who are there for medical reasons suffer from the swearing, noise and general rudeness of these brats? I only hope that all those orders of poutine clogs their collective young arteries.


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