DVD’oh | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007


To the dirty thieving bastards that broke into my apartment last week and swiped thousands of dollars worth of DVDs and other pawnable goods: I hope the money you got for my prized DVD collection bought you some good crack. You stole something that took

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 2:38 PM

Published July 12, 2007.DVD’oh

To the dirty thieving bastards that broke into my apartment last week and swiped thousands of dollars worth of DVDs and other pawnable goods: I hope the money you got for my prized DVD collection bought you some good crack. You stole something that took years to build in exchange for something that took you five minutes to smoke. Also, fuck you to the pawn shop owners who deal with these pieces of shit. You know exactly who and what you’re dealing with but you don’t give two fucks. You’re as bad as they are.

Holy Ticked

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