Cabs in Halifax | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cabs in Halifax

Why do Haligonian Cab drivers refuse to turn off their light when they have people in their taxi? Do they enjoy seeing people try to hail a taxi and just staring at them as they drive by? I know from experience how cabs work in Vancouver, Calgary, To

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 3:14 PM

Published February 01, 2007.Cabs in Halifax

Why do Haligonian Cab drivers refuse to turn off their light when they have people in their taxi? Do they enjoy seeing people try to hail a taxi and just staring at them as they drive by?

I know from experience how cabs work in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, London, Guelph, Montreal and Quebec. They all turn their lights off when they get a customer - sort of like a cute little custom.

I just moved here so maybe there is a reason that is beyond me as to why they refuse to turn their lights off, but I can't think of one.

Turn Out The Light!

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