Big Fat Turd Yacht Clogs Arm | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Big Fat Turd Yacht Clogs Arm

To the ugly giant fiberglass eyesore yacht parked in the middle of the Northwest Arm - please leave. It isn't enough that your fat yacht with helicopter and 3 engine speedboat is blighting the view in the Arm; it isn't enough that it is allowed to swivel

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 2:23 PM

Published August 30, 2007.Big Fat Turd Yacht Clogs Arm

To the ugly giant fiberglass eyesore yacht parked in the middle of the Northwest Arm - please leave. It isn't enough that your fat yacht with helicopter and 3 engine speedboat is blighting the view in the Arm; it isn't enough that it is allowed to swivel into the middle of the Arm thanks to a crappy anchoring job. YOU ALSO HAVE TO LEAVE IT BELCHING OUT DIESEL FUMES AT 6AM - WHEN THE BOAT IS SITTING THERE AT ANCHOR! What a jack ass. perhaps your mission here is to teach everyone in town that people with a lot of money often lack class, decent judgment and common courtesy.

Everyone knows this, and so we didn't need you to teach us. So now please leave.

early morning rower

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