Christopher Bousquet | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jun 19, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Christopher Bousquet on 06/19/2014 at 3:53 PM
    If that question is to me, the answer is no.
  • Posted by:
    Christopher Bousquet on 06/19/2014 at 3:32 PM
    Perhaps leaving the purse in plain site was a bad idea, but I've also had my window smashed a couple of years ago. I was at the marquee and when I got back to my car I found that a vandal had used a stick or bat to severely smash my windshield, it broke and punctured the window but did not completely break. And this was the windshield not the door window. There was nothing stolen because it didn't break all the way thru, I suspect it was a drunk douchebag headed home after a night out having a "good time", and this was only 2 or 3 blocks away from the Police station.
    Sorry Window-less!