Shawn Wilson | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jan 2, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Shawn Wilson on 08/24/2017 at 12:39 AM
    Hi, I am a director of the Halifax Makerspace. I would like to point out an error in this listing. Halifax Makerspace has new digs at 275 Rocky Lake Dr in Bedford. Our AGM is being held at the Central Library in case attendance is larger than our new space permits. We also sometimes help the library put on electronics programs, like Sunday Aug 27, when we'll be teaching people to make a model railroad flasher with small, cheap components.
  • Posted by:
    Shawn Wilson on 07/05/2016 at 12:08 PM
    Best of luck to them! Halifax needs more spaces like this.

    For those interested in the maker movement (basically making stuff with wood, code, metal, plastic, electronics, fabric, food, etc. as novices, hobbyists or pros), there is an important meeting at the Central Library tonight, July 5th, at 7pm. The future of the Halifax Makerspace is to be discussed and decided.
  • Posted by:
    Shawn Wilson on 12/04/2013 at 7:16 PM
    I get not wanting the government to medicate you.  You could rally against iodizing salt (hugely successful in reducing the number of goiters) and adding Vitamin D to milk using the same arguments.  There is room for conversation, debate and opinion there.  I'm for fluoridation, but I can see why others might be against it on personal liberty grounds.

    However, arguing against the efficacy of fluoride is ignorance. Of course there will be some science that points to fluoride being bad, but on the whole, it's shown to be effective and safe (see meta analysis links in the following example). The stuff that points out the bad is almost always cherry-picked, out-of-context, misinterpreted, and loudly trumpeted by anti-fluoridationists, lending it undeserved perceived imporrtance.  Usually it relates to extraordinarily high doses from sources other than municipal water.
    For example:…

    Also, if you find tinfoil hatters agree with you on something, that is a re-he-he-heally good sign you should spend a few hours earnestly trying to prove your position wrong, instead of trying to prove it right.