montrealman | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Mar 15, 2010



  • Posted by:
    montrealman on 08/13/2015 at 10:12 AM
    Inshalla! May peace be upon you!
  • Posted by:
    montrealman on 08/13/2015 at 10:05 AM
    Absolutely correct. Only those with legitimate medical conditions should be able to acquire a medical marijuana licence which, I assume, means free marijuana. It should not be too difficult for those whose responsibility it is to make the distinction.
  • Posted by:
    montrealman on 08/13/2015 at 9:47 AM
    Re: “So gross

    There are those for whom that "cold lumpy phlegm sliding down the back of your throat" is not so much an aphrodisiac understood as the stimulus to future sexual engagement but rather the completion of the activity towards which that stimulus was initially directed. This is a difficult question, gesturing as it does to the nature of the aphrodisiac itself. What is the thing?

    Some might argue that it not so much the stimulus to some future sexual engagement but rather the anticipation of its successful completion. In other words, the issue comes down to the syntactical distinction between intention and fulfilment. Are the two concepts necessarily mutually exclusive or, indeed, are they mutually complimentary?

    To argue for their mutual exclusivity strikes one as odd. It strikes one as being merely philological, a matter of words, rather than a matter of reality. On the other hand, to argue that they are mutually complimentary suggests that, viewed ontologically, i.e., from the nature of its reality itself, the concept of an aphrodisiac, like other general concepts, is sufficiently elastic to embrace both perspectives. Thank you.

    A pleasure as always,


    Montrealman, Ph.D.
  • Posted by:
    montrealman on 08/12/2015 at 3:25 PM
    Hint: "One" refers to one of the boat clubs along the Northwest Arm. Very exclusive, Very old money.
  • Posted by:
    montrealman on 08/12/2015 at 2:56 PM

    My comment, #6 in the series, was a riff on Nick's statement, "I cannot remember spending so much money for 20 minutes of anything in my life."

    I advised Nick to raise his standards, that once he graduated from school he would be able to spend considerably more money for 20 minutes of rewarding activity. I advised him to focus on the South End rather than Citadel Hill at night. I recommended one in particular, a bastion of old Halifax money. (Not the one you're thinking of. The name begins with an "S.") He should look upon it as an investment. If he plays his cards right he would soon be singing "Cook-a-Roo-Mrs. Robinson." Get it? Good luck, Nick!

    See if this one makes it.

    A pleasure as always,


    Montrealman, Ph.D.
  • Posted by:
    montrealman on 08/12/2015 at 2:38 PM
    Very hurtful, Willard.
  • Posted by:
    montrealman on 08/12/2015 at 9:47 AM

    "Take a page from Quebec and learn how to drive." Blais

    Blais (pronounced "Blay") has posted an excellent Bitch. As he correctly points out, too much courtesy is worse than not enough. There is nothing which infuriates Quebec drivers more than some buffoon slowing down traffic to avoid a stupid pedestrian attempting to cross the Decarie Expressway at rush hour. He must be made to pay. Big time.

    A pleasure as always,


    Montrealman, Ph.D.