Duck Dynasty Douchebag | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Duck Dynasty Douchebag

Posted on Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 4:00 AM

My 17-year-old daughter works at the movie theatres. She came home from a very busy night on Tuesday (cheap night), and proceeded to tell me about an incident that makes me both sad and enraged at the abuse endured by those who work in the service industry. As she was frantically making pretzels to keep up with the orders, she noticed an older man that she described as having "walked off the set of Duck Dynasty" becoming agitated. She informed him his pretzel would be ready any minute and he then went off on her, cursing and yelling that his frozen yogurt was melting because he was waiting so long. He then proceeded to wind up and throw his frozen yogurt IN HER FACE! As she stood there covered in this douchebag's melty yogurt, he turned around and left the theatres so there were no repercussions other than making my daughter feel like a piece of shit. I hope you choke on your beard and/or a hot pretzel....asshole. —Mad Movie Mom

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