Ditch Christmas | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ditch Christmas

Posted on Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:10 AM

OK, it's time we did the right thing in this so-called multicultural society. Have a truly multicultural festival. Let's get the Christians to admit it, Christmas as we practice it is NOT christian at all. So enough with the Jesus is the reason for the season shit. He's not! It's corporate America that is responsible. This is the season that literally makes or breaks businesses. Don't see anything that a Savior of the world would want to claim as being responsible for. Quite the opposite. Now, don't get me wrong, I do not believe in discriminating against any religion, at all. But Christmas has become a cultural holiday, NOT a religious one. Now for some, Old Christmas is celebrated in early January. And I do believe that any scholar will tell you Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25 anyway. So a reasonable choice if I were an actual Christian (not a go to church twice a year variety), I'd concede. Give the culture Dec 25th. Let them enjoy a non-religious winter holiday. Keep Santa, and the tree/presents, and get rid of any religious references at all (no offense meant to any Wiccans or others who might revere the notion of Santa as a fat fairy/elf). But let those who actually revere the birth of Jesus, celebrate in January, without the materialistic, overindulgent process we go through every year. In other words, try being faithful to what the true meaning is supposed to be. People might actually take you seriously then. —Ho Ho Hold it Right There

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