Dear system abuser | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Dear system abuser

Posted on Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:53 PM

Yes, you lazy mother fuckers who rake in the hard earned tax payers money in the form of WELFARE. Get a JOB and get a LIFE! I understand that some people run into unforeseen circumstances, such as their husband screwing off and leaving a stay at home mom with a few kids, et cetera. That is what the system is intended to do; help people on a short term basis and in emergency situations. It is not meant to carry your ass for the next 18+ years, while you sleep all day and party all night. And for FUCKS sake, stop having baby after baby if you can't afford to have them! Many of us working class citizens (you know, productive members of society) would LOVE to have more children, but can't afford to because maternity leave would financially murder us! You lazy bitches make me SICK!

Then, there are the real cream of society: You welfare recipients who have a man living off your check. An unemployed, lazy fuck who lays around on your sofa, eating the food that is supposed to be for you and your kids. Shame on you.

The best one though, is you welfare moms who know that your monthly cheque is coming to an end because your children are reaching the age of independence. So what do you do?? Have another baby to secure your welfare check for another 18 years!

Every day, when my alarm goes off at 5:30am, and every time I look at my pay stub and see the taxes I pay out (1/3 of my pay), I think about how wonderful it must be to sleep in, sit around, get fat and not have a responsibility in the world. FYI: Getting your nails done did, wearing designer clothing and sipping on Grey Goose every weekend are luxuries that you do not deserve! You're a real winner. One can only hope that your kids break the cycle and actually make a life for themselves. —The One Who Pays Your Rent!

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