Drunken mistakes | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Drunken mistakes

Posted on Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 5:13 PM

You and I have known each other for a couple of years and I told a mutual friend that I "liked you" a few months back. You took the news as a green light to begin flirting with me when you saw me, and soon after, we slept together after a night of drinking. Shortly after that you told our mutual friend what a great time you had and that you couldn't wait to see me again. A week later you decided you didn't want to pursue anything further. Then you came back, we hung out a few times more, got hammered drunk and I foolishly slept with you again. I wanted to but knew it wasn't the best for me, in the end I told myself that there was no harm in letting you use me if I was using you too. The problem is that stupid feelings get in the way and people end up getting hurt. I'm not hurt, but thanks for reminding me that I deserve so much more than you're offering, which is basically just sub-par drunk sex that leaves me feeling worse than before. I'm sure you could say the same so let's just forget this ever happened and go back to what we were---friends of a friend that hang out on occasion, strictly platonic, or nothing at all. —Naive One

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