A substitute for exploration | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A substitute for exploration

Posted on Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 3:22 PM

I just don't get it. I thought Halifax attracted progressive, artistic, off-the-beaten-track kind of people. However, it appears you are all just rodents. Strange, furry creatures breading and brainwashing your offspring before they even have a chance to think for themselves. It's the only plausible reason for why you all amble mindlessly towards The Commons to clamber onto the large scale hamster wheel that is the oval and circle foolishly for hours. Do you not realize how silly it is? You little lab rats are subjecting yourselves to the drone of top 40 and blaring, blatant advertising. You aren't breathing in fresh air, what you smell is sizzling, oily, fat-injected "beaver tails". It's all a fucking hoax! VERMIN! The commons used to be a beautiful grassy space where we could PLAY but now you half-witted gerbils are invading, oblivious to the fact that you are being cheated into believing that you are uncaged, when clearly a hamster wheel is only to allow rodents to run when their space is confined. —If I Were a Cat, I'd Eat You


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