Turn that damn music DOWN! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Turn that damn music DOWN!

Posted on Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 10:58 AM

Hey you! You guys in the house on Duncan Street! You student guys who rented the house surrounded by family homes! Families with small children... children who go to bed at 8 pm on week nights. Children who can't sleep when you're blasting Mambo Number 5 as loud as it will go and singing along at the top of your lungs! I know they probably showed you Animal House during frosh week, and you probably think everyone will think you're just the BEST when they see how hard you can party... on Wednesday afternoon. But why don't you hit up the books, and turn down the volume, so the rest of us can get some sleep. Cause I gotta work in the morning, MY mom doesn't pay my rent. —If You Don't Shut Up I Swear to God...

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