Get Your Nasty Feet Off the Dash | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Get Your Nasty Feet Off the Dash

Posted on Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 1:18 PM

Gross, every third car that you pass or passes you on the highway has someone's nasty stinking feet either stuck up on the passenger side dash, or out the window. It's sick. Feet are f u c k i ng gross. Ew ew ew.

1. No one wants to see your mangled old funga-toes.
2. The least amount of particles of shit that have the opportunity to float in the air the better.
3. That dash belongs to someone - probably not you, I wouldn't want someone's feet touching any part of my car sans shoes and especially not the dashboard.
4. If you ever were in an accident I promise you your knees would become part of your face - airbags come out with a shitload of force - and even if there wasn't an airbag, your body weight being thrown forward would have a similar effect.

Put your feet on the floor where they belong, idiots. —Gross Gross Gross

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