Blackberry Thieving Piece of Shit | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Blackberry Thieving Piece of Shit

Posted on Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:58 PM

You: a despicable piece of phone-thieving shit. Me: a young mum, trying to reenter the work force, shopping with my son.

Thanks, you gargantuan piece of shitwaste. I hope my Blackberry Torch spontaneously combusts next to your ear, and leaves you with a scar which complements the enormous gouge you just put in my bank account. I'm on a contract, you fuckwad and now I have to replace this phone, and I am PAYING FOR A DATA PLAN, motherfuker, this is not cheap. So, suck a karma dick. Something wicked is coming for you, and I hope it's herpes on your face. —Cherrybomb

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