Playing the Duck | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Playing the Duck

Posted on Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:37 AM

To the Asian family in the 8 items or less aisle at the grocery store yesterday, is 8 items or LESS really that hard to understand? You had at least 40 items leaving all the folks behind you shaking their heads in disgust. Playing the language card is no excuse, just look at the people around you with their 8 ITEMS OR LESS, not that fucking hard to understand. What pissed me off even more is the teller told the Caucasian woman behind me with 10 items to go to another line. Do the rules only apply to Caucasians? Are we that afraid to offend? By the way you sure as fuck knew what I was saying outside the store when I told you that what you did was very rude. Nattering back at me in Chinese doesn't disguise the fact I heard you speaking English in the line. Playing the race card to fucking cheat is bullshit no matter how you slice it! Assholes! —Master of Shame

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