Equality is Only for Some | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Equality is Only for Some

Posted on Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 11:37 AM

I was born and raised in Canada, in fact we are 8th generation, something that very few Canadians can claim. I grew up in a family and a neighbourhood where everyone was welcome, where we loved you no matter what color your skin is, no matter how much or little money your family had. I grew up thinking that this was the way of the whole world, equal and fair. So it came to a huge disappointment to me when I married an African man and discovered that in fact our world, and Canada for that matter, is a racist ball of hate. Einstein said it best when he said that there is only one race, the Human Race.

So why in God's name can I not get a damn visa to bring my husband to Canada? Is he too poor and you think that since Canada is so great that he will ruin our reputation? Are you just worried that he will come here and see that our government is in fact horrible and go spread that news around the world? Wake up people. If I, a Canadian citizen, fall in love with a person who makes me happy, who respects and loves me, I believe that I have the constitutional right to live in my own country and not be forced to live abroad because you assholes won't give my own husband a visa.

I grew up being proud to say that I am Canadian, but guess what, Harper and his Bush obsession has thrown our reputation down the crapper. Now I might as well be American, or some nationality that nobody has ever heard of. —Sick and Tired

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