Coffee Shop A-Hole | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Coffee Shop A-Hole

Posted on Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:02 AM

This is to the short and squat old man and his asshole friend (I'm guessing) standing in line at a local coffee shop on Quinpool last night. I was ahead of you in the line and I ordered the last lemon and raspberry donut and you just had to make a rude remark about how it was the last one and you wanted it AND to make yourself even more of an asshole you told the clerk who was serving me to put it back because selfish you wanted it. Then, god knows why, I was so kind as to offer it to you free of charge because you wouldn't shut up about the damn thing and were giving me the death glare and you actually were brave enough to take it from my box of donuts without hesitation with a disgusting smirk on your face. Then you asked me, "Are you going to eat all the donuts yourself?" Just for the record A-HOLE you didn't look like you needed another donut yourself, fattie! And no, I was not going to eat them all myself. I actually have a life and was having a party last night and they were for my guests. You and people like you make me so angry. I actually have a kind heart and people like you make me lose faith in humanity. I'm tired of having people like you ruin my day. —Angry Donut Lady

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