Put the seat down?? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Put the seat down??

Posted on Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Why the fuck should I put the toilet seat down?, it's your ass that sits on it the most. I pee standing up, and do this about 25 times a day(I drink a lot of tea, and when I'm not drinking tea, I drink a lot of sky juice, then moo juice, and my share of beer) I "sit" on the toilet maybe twice a day, and that's when I put the seat down. After I'm done, I lift back up. It has germs and that sort of nasty stuff on it, why would I touch it more than I have to? I do wash my hands after going to the can, but why would I want to add extra germs to the "sit"uation? You need to sit while peeing?, well, put the fuckin' seat down your self. Dog almighty...whaa...

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